Monthly Newsletter

I would like to announce that I have just setup a Newsletter Mailing list.
Our Strength can only come from unity, and the newsletter is a means of both providing important site updates as well as alerting our members of any action that we may wish to take as a collective group.
We will never ever send more than one email per month.
We will never ever spam our members.
And of course, you have my personal assurance, that this is a non profit website, so you will not receive advertising.
Please take a minute to sign up for our email newsletter here
Thanks, it would be very much appreciated.

2 Replies to “ Monthly Newsletter”

  1. tonyraphael

    I would like to share my veiw to the world peace. countries would not unite as people’s veiws are different to different countries but people can share love only because of that people can unite but now a days people misutilising love .Because people are sulfish by birth. it should be removed by ? however there is an oppurtunity for world peace that people should know what is right and wrong and reality of love.

  2. C J

    I signed up for the newsletter a long time ago & have changed email providers a number of times, so I guess my subscription got lost in the shuffle. Would love to subscribe again, but none of the links will accept my info. What should I do next?


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